What Do You Know About Grenn Tea – Quiz?

Green Tea Composition

Green tea composition: tannins, catechins, flavonoids, theanine.


Tannin (pholyphenols) are substances of plant origin, that is, green fruit that because of it have bitter taste. The longer the plant matures, the less tannin it contains, and thus, the less healing property it possesses.

Some of the healing benefits of tannin in green tea are:

  1. It constricts blood vessels.
  2. Acts against poisoning from various substances
  3. Possesses antifungal and antibacterial properties.
  4. It has many other properties.



Catechins belong to the group of polyphenols. They have a phenolic structure. In green tea, they account for 5–27%. They are useful for their excellent anti oxidation activity. In green tea, there is the highest concentration of epigallocatechin gallate (EGCG) catechin , followed by epigallocatechin, epicatechin (EC), and epicatechin ECG) catechins.

Green tea catechins, or tannins, have the following beneficial properties:

  1. Prevent the occurrence of tumors.
  2. Instigate death of tumor cells
  3. It stops the growth of tumors
  4. And many other properties

Important to mention: that many research on catechins are conducted to find cure for tumors. One spoon of green tea contains 10–40 mg of polyphenol with extraordinary antioxidative content.


Flavonids are one group of heterocyclic compounds with oxygen, and they are pigments in colors such as blue, green, yellow, orange, and red. These things are exclusively of plant origin. Flavonoids, in great amounts, we can find in: an extract of the ginkgo plant; green and white tea; dark chocolate; red wine; fruit; vegetables; and etc.

The good properties of flavonid tannin in green tea are:

  1. It si proven that they reduce the occurrence of cancer.
  2. Heart disease
  3. “Jurnal of Cellular and Molecular Medicine” published that increased intake reduces the risk of developing Alzheimer disease.
  4. Reduces cholesterol
  5. Reduces blood pressure
  6. It protects against and helps with infections.
  7. And many other good properties.


Theanine (known as a happiness hormone) is amino acid that is located in the leaves of green tea. It is well known as a substance that improves the quality of sleep, which has been proven by science. It does this by increasing the production of -waves and inhibiting hormone release.

The good properties of theanine in green tea are:

  1. Acts calmly and anti-depressively
  2. Reduces fatigue
  3. It improves mental abilities.

Health Benefits of Green Tea

Among teas, green tea is most famous for its good effects on health. It is completely justified, and its healing properties are scientifically proven. Numerous studies have been conducted and continue to be conducted since the 17th century.

Green tea finds it larger and larger application in various areas, especially in cosmetics. It’s worth noting that in Japan and China, where green tea is most popular, cancer rates are lowest and life expectancy is highest. Also, scientists from the University of Yale have conducted research in Asia, where a lower rate of cardio vascular diseases and cancers was recorded, although Asians are characterized as passionate smokers.

Other healing properties proven by scientific research:

  • Ingredients in this tea suppress the creation of malignant tumors, a disease apart from malignant tumors that is the disease of modern society.
  • By regularly consuming green tea, the risk of stomach cancer occurring is reduced by 50%.
  • It helps in the prevention of lung cancer, and therefore, it is recommended to passionate smokers.
  • It helps with headaches, one cup of this beverage after a few minutes leads to a considerable reduction of headaches or their complete disappearance.
  • It helps in the prevention of diseases of the heart and blood vessels and leads to a reduction in pressure.
  • It causes atherosclerosis and high cholesterol.
  • It helps with Crohn’s disease.
  • High triglycerides
  • It increases the activity of enzymes and detoxification processes in the small intestine, liver, and lungs.
  • It reduces the occurrence of dental plaque, bleeding of the gums, and bacteria that cause caries.
  • It contains the amino acid L-theanine, which increases learning ability, lowers blood pressure, alleviates symptoms of PMS, increases concentration, and calms nerves.
  • It destroys harmful bacteria in the intestinal microflora.
  • It helps reduce inflammatory processes in the organism.
  • It acts as an antiviral, is refreshing, increases activity, and improves mood.
  • Removes tiredness and sleepiness
  • Due to its richness in anti oxidants, for example, EGCG is very successful in eliminating the harmful influences of smoking, helps fight cancer and hepatitis.
  • Green tea helps with maintaining body weight, that is, with losing weight, because it leads to the burning of fat deposits in the organism.
  • Boost overall body immunity, which increases resistance to infections and other contagious diseases.
  • In folk medicine, it is known as cough medicine.
  • It incites physical activity, which especially makes it popular with athletes.
  • Intake of green tea reduces the level of free radicals after training by 64%.
  • Green tea increases the level of pholyphenols in the blood by 27%,
  • Green tea increases concentration, motivation and stamina,
  • Acts preventively on the occurrence of acne
  • Its consumption is recommended if there are problems with acne. The fact that many products and crèmes contain additives from green tea.

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