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The Renaissance Period in English Literature Quiz

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The Renaissance in English lietrature

Experience the thrill of our quiz, where you're randomly dealt 20 questions from a vast pool of over 30, each with four potential answers but only one that's correct.

1 / 20

1) What "science" did they utilize in trying to predict and control the future in the Renaissance period?

2 / 20

2) Who was the first sonnet writer in English?

3 / 20

3) What is a 14-line poem in iambic pentameter?

4 / 20

4) Who wrote the book "Utopia"?

5 / 20

5) In which language "Utopia" was written?

6 / 20

6) Who is called the "Poet of Beauty"?

7 / 20

7) What was forbidden to do in the Elizabethan period?

8 / 20

8) What is the meaning of Renaissance?

9 / 20

9) The 4 themes of Renaissance in English Literature are: individualism, rationalism, secularism and…

10 / 20

10) Who is known as the "Bard of Avon"?

11 / 20

11) Who is known as "Father of English Poetry"?

12 / 20

12) The Renaissance period in English literature, also called...

13 / 20

13) Another name for the Renaissance in English literature is...

14 / 20

14) How many lines make up a traditional villanelle?

15 / 20

15) "All well’s that ends well" is a play by…

16 / 20

16) What was the main theme of Renaissance literature?

17 / 20

17) Who were the "University wits"?

18 / 20

18) Who wrote "The Spanish Tragedy"?

19 / 20

19) What was "The Globe" used for in the Elizabethan age?

20 / 20

20) Who is known as the "Father of Blank Verse"?

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This Trivia quiz game contains all questions about English literature from the Renaissance period. Play these trivia quiz questions with your friends and family to make your time more enjoyable and interesting.

These flash trivia quiz questions will help you increase your knowledge of the Renaissance period of English literature and learn much more about history and literature.

If you are interested in the literature and history of the Renaissance period and have always wanted to learn more about this topic, then this is the best way to spend some time and increase your general knowledge.

The Renaissance Period in English Literature Quiz is such a good thing to increase your knowledge and have a good long-term memory, as well as it helps people to be open to new experiences and you are able to learn about different cultures and their history.

Quiz games help people become more knowledgeable and self-assured. It helps to increase knowledge in many areas, as it’s a good opportunity to refresh their previous knowledge.

When you’re bored, the best thing to do is play a trivia quiz. It increases the cognitive level of the person. It boosts your previous knowledge and makes you curious about the questions, and in seconds you are able to know the right answer. It is also interesting for people of all ages playing quiz games with children is also an interesting and healthy activity. It raises confidence and self-esteem.

You can easily play this quiz game on your smartphones, laptops, and browsers. Click on the space next to each question to answer it correctly.

Renaissance is a French word meaning “rebirth”. It symbolized the beginning of a new era of art, rebirthing classical learning that started in Florence, Italy and spread around the world. The time period of the renaissance age is 1500–1600. 

The Renaissance age is also known as the Elizabethan age and the Age of Shakespeare, who is known as England’s National Poet. In the Renaissance period, many inventions took place like a mathematician Nicolaus Copernicus formulated a model of the universe that placed the sun rather than the earth at the center of the universe. At that time, science was flourishing with new discoveries by scientists like Galileo and Newton. It’s the time period of new discoveries in fine arts.

The Elizabethan age is known as the Golden Age of literature because many Nobel laureates and famous writers were from this time period, like Christopher Marlowe, University wits, Edmund Spencer, Sir Philip Sydney, and the most important in English literature is William Shakespeare due to his versatile work.

William Shakespeare was the famous playwright of English literature. He was born in Stratford-upon-Avon and was known as the Bard of Avon. He wrote 37 plays and 154 sonnets.

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